5 Foods To Keep You Warm In Winters!
Winter is that time of the year when we all love snuggling in blankets, basking in the sun and cooking a proper meal becomes a challenge. Whenever we think of warm foods or beverages we end up only thinking about hot chocolate, soups, etc but there are other foods too which can help you beat the chilly weather.
1. Nuts
Nuts like almonds, raisins, etc are a good source of fats and help in regulate body temperature. The healthy fat present in nuts keeps your joints greasy, alleviating stiffness. Dates, figs, and olives are the best options to keep you warm.
2. Ginger
Whether it is tea or any meal, ginger is used widely for its medicinal properties and its flavour. Add a dash of ginger to your brew as its thermogenic properties ward off cold thus keeping you warm.
3. Cayenne
Apart from adding flavour to the dishes, spices like pepper, cardamom, and cloves keep you warm in winter. Cayenne contains a photochemical called capsaicin which generates heat in your body. It digests slowly and increases gastric blood flow which helps your gut and keeps your body warm.
4. Meat
A rich protein-rich meal can keep you warm in winter. Foods such as red meat, pork, etc are rich in Vitamin B, and protein if you are iron deficient. Red meat supplies vitamin B12 which contributes to healthy nerves and a strong immune system.
5. Bananas
It is hard to believe that a tropical fruit can keep you warm but a banana’s B vitamin and magnesium work well. These nutrients support the thyroid and adrenal glands which regulate your body temperature in winter. So a banana a day can keep the chills away.
Winter has set in so blend your food plate with the above-mentioned foods and gear up for a cosy winter.