‘Got Her Photo Placed In…’: Step Father Rajesh Khattar Reveals Shahid Kapoor Fell In Serious Love At 9!

Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor is the son of actors Pankaj Kapoor and Neliima Azim. His mother had re-married to Rajesh Khattar which made Kapoor to spent 11 years of his life with his stepfather Rajesh. But much contrary to what perceive about step relations, Shahid and Rajesh shared a warm bond. They were ‘absolutely like a normal family’. Recently, Rajesh talked about his equation with Shahid. He revealed that the star first fell in love at the age of 9 and brought home a picture of the girl. This made Rajesh angry.

While talking to Siddharth Kanan in the chat show, Rajesh told that when Shahid was just 9 years old, he had fallen in love with a girl from his school and had brought a picture of her. He placed it at home. When Rajesh saw her photo, he got angry and was scared that Shahid might not just end up marrying her. He could not understand how to get out of this problem. Then Neliima came to his rescue. She explained to him that ‘nothing happens with the photo and if there is a photo, leave it, what difference does it make’. Rajesh said he used to think Shahid is a handsome boy but who is that girl?

Rajesh also disclosed that Shahid was not good in academics. He got more than 80% marks for the first time only when he had to join Shiamak Davar Dance Academy. This is because Shahid’s mother had put a condition that he would be allowed to attend dance classes only when he scores 80% or more. Rajesh said that whenever he meets Shahid, he is always respectful towards him. They often discuss times spent together.

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