Reduce The Red Temper; Keep Calm & Positive

By Ishita Bansal

All it takes to stay calm is a patient and positive mind. Temper, a result of human impatience and negative attitude only leads to adverse side-effects on health that include depression, anxiety, weakness, and more. The Coronavirus pandemic has been a testing time for one and all. For the past one and a half years, people have been suffering from mental health issues too. A human mind says, where staying safe inside is important, roaming around is too. But, we all know that stepping out is not a smart option. Mind control is the only thing that we require during such a situation. A patient mind will always have positive results. A calm person not only enjoys good mental and physical health but is also able to create better relations with other people. Being patient can be hard for once, but it can lead to better carrier goal fulfillment too as it makes a person more focused. Thus, patience will always manifest positive results. Studies suggest that usually, youths are the most short-tempered people, the reason being the lack of patience in them. One should never forget that the only key to success and happiness is patience. Here are a few strategies that you can implement if dealing with anger issues or feeling home struck during this pandemic.  

  • Lemon Juice 

Natural things are considered to be the best. Starting your day on a natural note with the help of lemon will not only help you in fighting anger but also improve your skin and digestive system. From now onwards, make a healthy routine that when you wake up in the morning, the 1st thing you do is squeeze a lemon in lukewarm water and drink it. The slow and steady effect is going to make your life soothing. 

  • Exercise 

Another thing that you must include in your schedule is exercising. Try to give at least 15 minutes to your body every day and see the impact it would have on your mind. Doing this will result in a better sleep schedule, a fit body, and above all a joyful mood. From yoga to zumba, choose your interest and follow it with your partner. 

  • Meditate 

We all know that meditation is the most common and effective method to live a stress-free life. Fold your legs and sit down in your room, play a peaceful tune that connects with your mind and heart chakra and relax for a while. It might be tough to begin but once you start your mind, body and soul are going to rejuvenate in the tranquil environment. You will be able to eliminate all the negative emotions and focus on the present creatively. Give your inner forces a little rest by practicing this.

  • Find the good in the bad 

Try to think from another perspective and look for the good in the bad situation. Deep breathe along and get out of the situation in an appropriate way. Remember, a positive approach in life will take you miles. Whenever struck in a red situation, just deep breathe and then let your mind do the magic. Have faith in yourself. Try to communicate your ideas and let your heart out with the people you trust. Never keep anything inside you for long.  

  • Magical Green Tea

Make sure you end your day in a way that will calm down your nervous system. The simplest way to do so is to have a cup of green tea before you go to bed. This will improve the functioning of your brain and lead to deep sleep. 


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