RJ Asked For A “Jaadu Ki jhappi”, Neeraj’s Epic Response, “Door Se Hi Namaste Thik Hai”.
Neeraj Chopra, who won gold for the country in the javelin throw event at the Olympics, has been busy ever since he returned home. After meeting Prime Minister Modi, he also met Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Meanwhile, he is also constantly giving interviews to the media. During an interview, something happened to him that he blushed badly. A video of him is becoming very viral on the internet. In that video, famous radio jockey Malishka is interviewing Neeraj Chopra. During this, she asks Neeraj to give a Jaadu ki jhappi”, but it makes him blush badly. In response to Malishka’s jaadu ki jhappi, Neeraj says “Door se namaste hi thik hai”. Apart from this, Malishka also did something while interviewing Neeraj with his friends, which makes him smile.
Neeraj Chopra
Neeraj Chopra has been busy running continuously since his return from the Olympics. Every day he is meeting some big personality. Invitations are coming from different states to call them. Everywhere he is being honored with respect. During this, the media are also constantly talking to Neeraj. His interview is being shown continuously in newspapers, TV, radio channels.
Neeraj Chopra
In this sequence, Neeraj joined the radio channel ‘Red FM’ through a video call for the interview. First, RJ Malishka danced with his fellow teammates on a song for him. After this interview is over, she tells Neeraj that before leaving, I want to give you a “jaadu ki jhappi”. In response to this, Neeraj blushingly says that “Namaste ji, door se namaste hi thik hai”. After this Neeraj smiles.
Ever since Neeraj reached home after winning a medal from the Tokyo Olympics, he has been receiving a warm welcome. After a great performance, prizes like crores of rupees, cars, free air tickets are being showered on them. He is the first athlete in Olympic history to win a gold medal as an athlete. He won the gold in the Javelin Throw final with a best throw of 87.58m.