Rundown On What Is Politically Possible And Beyond That…
Edits | May, 2024
Since the winning of Prime Minister Modi is almost a certainty given the poll percentage all over the country, in the first few phases of the election, the thought goes on to what will be the important steps in the coming five years of governance. Here is a rundown on what is politically possible for a new strong government to rule the Indian population and its territory.
First is taking a chance at amending the Constitution to make India a presidential form of democracy which, like the US, gives the person on the top powers with privileges and also responsibilities. With the BJP in such a good position as of now and PM Modi wanting to exploit this power centre, India may very well become a presidential form of democracy wherein power is enjoyed by the top. Though this would not be as easy as it seems, the thought of becoming a presidential form of democracy has been ripe for a very long time, especially during the Congress regime.
Two, since India, has large inroads into influence in Central Asia now, with Pakistan breaking up and largely bankrupt and Afghanistan ruling in the hands of the Taliban after the US exit, India could make a move to strengthen its positions in PoK (after the revocation of article 370), with little or no resistance from Pakistan. Resources to be tapped in PoK will benefit the mining sector immensely in India since that region is very rich in precious metals. Something that the army of Pakistan has been exploiting for very many years and has remained a hidden secret known only to the few who would want to venture into that area of the Himalayas. China has a keen eye on it and so does the new India. Only the very large able corporations in India will have the potential to exploit that region for its resources, namely Ambani, Adani and Tata. Though it may benefit only a few companies, by and large for India, it will be quite a resource.
Three, with the fiscal deficit running high and there is more money needed for growth in defence, space exploration and border security, the indirect taxes will be raised in the next 2-5 years to keep the country stable, this will mean wider disparity in the Indian population but that is the trend now all over the world. In the developed economies it is the few companies for whom literally the entire country works. Definitely, India will make progress in defence manufacturing and research as is being spearheaded by this new thought, which was not there with the Congress. With this development also will come a fresh new lifestyle, which is more lavish for the urban elite and more aspirational for the younger generation.
Four, the BJP could split into fractions or at least two fractions since it may become too late and too powerful to remain as one structure- the party has seen many leaders being sidelined and as is being constantly reported in media many veteran leaders are now coming in from the other parties, and that they are not homegrown. With such an influx of leaders, there is more politics and there are more tactics. It is a usual nature of law, and as was written in the last editorial, a split for a large entity is more comfortable and at times better poised for more growth collectively. However, even after a possible split, the position of the present opposition will remain compromised.
Five, towards the end of this new 3rd term, BJP will have to field a new candidate who will replace PM Modi as the face of the party to rule the country. It should be a new young person who is internationally acceptable and also understands the nuances of the Indian ecosystem. Such a person is not there at the present landscape of the party but could be in place towards the end of the term. Does sound like fiction, but that’s how PM Modi also came about. And at such a time it would be wise for PM Modi to elevate himself to be the President and give rein to this new person who may take the country and the party forward. Though this is just a political thought, it is something that a lot of countries and a lot of political parties in democracy all over the world have done. That is why you see faces in the family coming up to rule while they are still young. Here in, BJP says the party does not recognize family precedence, so it could be an unrelated deserving candidate but young.
Six, by the way, things are going with the present opposition, and that they have been trapped in their own acts, caught in their own webs of corruption, or whatever has been levied at them as accusation, and that their coffers are languishing, it is in most likely heard that in the next two or three years most of the opposition leaders as we know of them today will be compromised. There may be a new kind of opposition which may arise from within the BJP in case the party were to split- just a hypothesis.
All the statements made here are based on the progressive path and trends of many political parties and governance in countries wherein democracy is well established, at times they are weak and at times very strong with its electoral support, such is the way of progression for any governance.
All said and done, don’t skip voting in this election.
CA Divesh Nath
Woman’s Era
LinkedIn: Divesh Nath