This Microblogging Site Becomes First to Publish Compliance Report; Details Inside

As per the new IT rules introduced by the Central Government, Koo has become the first social media platform to publish a compliance report. Koo has published the compliance report of the month of June in accordance with rule 4(d) of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. This compliance report will be available on the first day of each month with additional insights.

The report of the month of June shows that from 5,502 Koos reported by the community, 22.7 percent (1,253) were removed successfully and ‘other action’ was taken against the rest 4,249. Koo also took steps to proactively moderate 54,235 Koos, 54,235 Koos, of which 2.2 percent (1,996) were removed while ‘other action’ was taken against the rest 52,239.

Overlay, blur, ignore, warn, etc., some of the guidelines included in ‘other action’ against Koos who do not obey the Centre’s guidelines.

Founder and CEO of Koo, Aprayameya Radhakrishna said, “As Koo gains tractions across India, we will ensure that Koo respects the law of the land and meets the requirements, enabling every country to define its own digital ecosystem. This Compliance Report is one step in that direction. As part of Koo’s continued efforts to make social media a safer place and provide transparency for users, we are happy to be the first social media platform to publish a Compliance Report. We will continue to make efforts to make social media a safe place for all users.”

The co-founder of Koo, Mayank Bidwatka added, “Koo brings together creators who can express themselves in an Indian language and Connectors to consume information in that language. Never before has a social media platform offered the opportunity for so many Indians to express themselves. Social media no longer have to be limited to those who speak, think, read and write in English.”

What are the new IT Rules and Compliance Report?

The Central Government has laid down under certain guidelines under Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. Its aim is to make digital platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, and Google accountable for the kind of content they entertain on their platforms. It involves the appointment of a chief compliance officer, nodal contact person and resident grievance officer for each of these digital platforms working in the country.

As per the rules, Google has also submitted a Compliance report. It has highlighted that the tech giant has removed 59,350 pieces of content that violated the local laws or personal rights of Indian citizens.

Facebook will also publish its interim compliance report on July 2. The report will provide information on the amount of content removed from the platform between May 15-June 15. The final report will come on July 15.

On the contrary, Twitter is having a war with the Centre over compliance with these new IT Rules.

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