Time for Self-Talk

By- Richa Goel

There comes a moment in our life when we all find ourselves on the path where we can’t understand in which direction to move? The problems are surrounded all over us and we do not understand where to proceed? Maybe, we all are in a situation where nothing seems right nor wrong. We know that we are not happy but still we do not know what is lacking. We are still in those moments of life. Neither there is excitement to perform some task nor a problem to cry over. Sometimes, family issues, relative’s taunt, over workload make us pissed off. It may be due to the monotonous life or nature of work where we too don’t know how to react. Sometimes it seems as if everything is happening against our wishes. We have so much to say but fall short of words to express.

Maybe, we are tired of explaining our point of view, maybe, we are too habitual to the situation that we don’t bother to react, maybe, and we do not have further stamina left to fight for ourselves. There comes a moment when all of us want to stay neutral. Our brain also gets tired of working 24×7. It’s a phase of time where we want peace or rest. No opinions, no guidelines, no advice, just a small interval of pause in our life where we can figure out what is happening in our life. We need a break from our regular life. At this moment, we may become rude, confused, motionless, quiet, neutral, annoying, agitated etc. Like it depends on person to person how they react. The Emptiness of thoughts sometimes works as a refreshing button. We need it once in a few months. It is real freedom indeed.

It’s okay if you are investing time in yourself. It’s your life and giving time to yourself is nothing wrong. Sometimes we all need is self-observation to figure out things, making a list of our priorities on which we can work forward. Even the trees shed their leaves in autumn to flourish during winters. Similarly, the Sun sets in the evening to rise the next morning. So, it’s absolutely fine if we go out of the track to find our own potentials. Don’t push yourself down by thinking about others, rather follow your dreams. Our Self-Talk matters for us. Never stop exploring yourself. At last, It’s Your Own Life and It’s Fine, to be imperfect sometimes. Give yourself time to heal, accept and to grow! Remember to always chase the things you deserve.

“If you are successful in taking out time for yourself, consider yourself Lucky. None of us are living forever, so pour your heart by speaking out the hidden feelings and set yourself free from all the pains. You have one life, do everything that makes your heart happy and brings peace to your mind! ”

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