5 Top Tips to Stay Youthful and Reduce Biological Age

Biological age is different than chronological age Biological age is different than chronological age

They say that age is just a number. Yeah, your chronological age may be just that, but biologically, it is different. For instance, a 52-year-old obese person with a disciplined fitness regime may have the body constituency of a 40-year-old. On the other hand, a chain smoker of 35 years may biologically be 47. 

With a few simple tweaks in your lifestyle, you can slow down the pace of biological ageing and extend longevity.

1. Maintain Physical Activity

Cardiovascular exercises are critical in upping the heart rate and pumping more oxygen and blood to the muscles. 75 minutes per week of vigorous workouts like aerobics, running, or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is ideal for adults. If not, around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises will be enough. 

woman performing floor squats
Physical activity helps prevent premature aging

Try to have a designated time for physical activities, like going to the gym at the same time daily. Weight management and keeping body fat percentage well within limits is mandatory. Prefer the stairs to the lift and walk after meals.

2. Consume Superfoods

Taking a well-balanced diet helps you get all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs. Counting calories and tracking macros in every meal will keep you vigilant, and you will not overindulge while eating. 

Superfoods like mushrooms and broccoli
Superfoods like mushrooms and broccoli

Mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, berries, fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables, etc., are categorized as superfoods because they reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Include them in your diet to get several significant health benefits.

3. Monitor LDL, Blood Pressure, and Sugar

The optimal level of blood pressure is less than 120/80. Ideally, your sodium intake and stress levels can tamper with this reading. Likewise, too much fat consumption, carb-loading, and lack of movement can up your blood glucose, kicking your body into prediabetic or diabetic conditions. 

Bad cholesterol or LDL (low-density lipoprotein) can clog the blood vessels and lead to stroke in the long run. Hence, having regular hemoglobin A1C and lipid profile tests can help. For BP, you can monitor with at-home devices or smartwatches.

4. Get Enough Sleep

You cannot ignore the effect insufficient sleep has on your schedule. It can make you drowsy at work, dampen your mood, decrease concentration, and wreak havoc in your personal relationships. The recommended sleep time is from 7 to 9 hours. 

But it can vary – some people may function perfectly with only 6 hours of sleep. The main thing is to get sound sleep without any disturbances. Avoid screens late at night and have a gap of 2-3 hours between the last meal and bedtime. 

Woman getting sound quality sleep
Quality sleep is important to stay young

5. Get Rid of Stress

Regular exercise and mindfulness practices like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can help alleviate stress and anxiety. For some individuals, lack of adequate sunlight can also affect their mental well-being. Hence, take short afternoon walks and try to engage with nature.

Luckily, it is all in your hands to stay young for long. You can avoid serious health complications and reduce biological ageing.