Love is the profound inexplicable emotion which bears the power of transforming our perception about the universe. Think about the time you last fell in love. I’m sure you might have swept off your feet and carried away into a world of enchantment. You must had observed a change in your emotional stability. All romantic ideas associated with love can impact our brain chemistry, in ways you may have never fathomed. So, let’s delve into the enchanting realm of emotions and attempt to capture the 8 ways in which love affects your brain, according to science.
The relationship between love and attachment is intricate and closely intertwined. After, you discover yourself in the feelings of love, you might also realize the long rope way of attachment. Attachment in romantic relationships extends to attachment in familial bonds, friendships and even to a wide range of objects in our surroundings. Brain releases oxytocin when in love which breeds the feelings of trust and companionship with anyone we meet.
Jealousy stems from a multiplicity of factors like fear, insecurity, possessiveness and a need for reassurance. It triggers from our perceived flirtation, past betrayals and dreamy scenarios. The feeling of jealousy often promotes deeper connection between the lovers. Partners realize each other’s feelings for them resulting in a more resolute relationship.
Addiction To Love
Its human nature to seek more even in the moment of adequacy. Individuals become dependent on romantic relationships to seek heightened need for validation and connection. Love addiction results in mood swings and anxiety due to excess release of dopamine and serotonin (hormones associated with pleasure and reinforcement).
Sacrificial Behavior
Sacrificial behavior involves expressions of kindness, generosity or self sacrifice for the well being of others. Individuals in love act kindly and seek to help people at a cost to themselves. Lovers engage themselves in altruistic acts which can trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, linked to the feelings of happiness and reward. Brain derives intrinsic satisfaction from helping individuals, resulting in optimistic emotional experiences.
Feelings of Euphoria
Have you ever felt the effects of deep affection and attachment when you found yourself in love? The feelings of Euphoria, characterized by happiness or intense excitement can have significant effects on our brain. During the stage of euphoria, individuals experience heightened sensory perception, increased level of attention, and a sense of being ‘in the moment’. Feelings of ecstasy often provides relief from pessimistic emotional states.