If you are in a relationship, reading this article, you might be looking ways to make relationship with your partner last longer. There are fights and conflicts between the two but transcending those gaps can be a sign of maturity in you. Recognizing that clashes are in inherent part of any relationship, seeking to find ways to deal with disagreements can significantly impact the strength and longevity between the lovers. While there exists no ideal relationship, there are certain signs on which one can rely on to confirm unfathomable things about your relationship.
You fight but end up forgetting as if nothing happened
Engaging in a fights with partner is a sign of more effective relationship between the two. While it’s significant to address and resolve conflicts, there may be cases where both partners choose to let go of the conflict without dwelling on it. If you are someone, who never holds hard feelings or grudges towards your other half, then you might be at a safer side of taking your relationship to great heights.
You have trust on each other
Your comfort with each other reveals the intense connection you have with your partner. If you feel at ease in sharing anything with your partner, then it’s sign that you are in a healthy relationship. The paramount indicators of a profound connection are rapport and solidarity.
Reasonable Expectations
You do not feel the need to be with your partner all the time

You wish each other on achieving milestones