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8 Simple Exercise to Reduce Back Fat For Women

The majority of people would like to eliminate fat in specific areas of their bodies, and we all know that there are certain exercises that re-firm, tone, and burn fat. Many people focus on areas like abdomen, glutes and legs. often overlook some important areas that we need to take in consideration like our back.

Sagging, excess back and underarm fat is not just unsightly, it’s unhealthy too. In order to shave fat away from your back and underarm area, you need to have a multi-pronged fitness approach that combines regular cardiovascular activity to burn calories, with strength training exercises that specifically target and tone the muscle once you shave the fat away. The centers for disease control and prevention recommend at least 150 minutes of cardio exercise per week, combined with two days of strength conditioning exercises.

Resistance Band Rows:

Back Extensions:

Triceps Dips:

Pushup Holds:


Lat Pull-Downs:

Side Planks:

TYI Exercise:


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