Has someone finally swept you off your feet? It is amazing to be young and in love – when you get butterflies in the stomach and world fades away, and it is just the two of you at that moment. But things aren’t that simple, are they? As romantic and dreamy your first relationship is, it can go haywire if you don’t know what it takes to keep things smooth.
Even if you’re smitten with your partner, moving on from being “me” to being “we” take some time and adjustments. We are not trying to scare you, but there are certain things you should keep in mind when you enter your first relationship. It is better to prepare yourself than be sorry later.

1. Regardless of how infatuated you are with your boyfriend or girlfriend; they don’t define you. Don’t become completely dependent on them or let them make all your decisions.
2. Never ditch your family and friends for the sake of your partner. Your family and friends were there first and they don’t deserve to be treated that way. You might lose them, which is not worth it if you’ve known someone for only a few months.
3. Being in a relationship is a beautiful feeling that gives you immense happiness. But if you’re not sure what you want in life yet, this might not last forever.
4. Don’t give everything away at once to keep the relationship going. But don’t hide too much, that can ruin things as well. Try to find the balance between opening up to your partner and keep yourself guarded a little.

5. You have to set some boundaries when it comes to the relationship. Decide for yourself where you want to draw a line, emotionally and physically. You should only be with someone if they respect those boundaries.
6. First relationships seem like the centre of the universe, but they are not. There is a lot going on around you and you should be aware of your surroundings.
7. People tend to lose their sense of self when they enter their first relationship, mainly because they don’t know better. So, don’t let go of things that make you who you are. You should enjoy your time together, but not everything should be about your relationship.
8. Real-life romances are hardly anything like what you see in the movies, so don’t expect them to do grand gestures or take you on a plane to Paris because let’s face it – most of us are broke. The important thing is to keep in mind is that relationships work when you invest in them emotionally and work through the hardships that come in your way.

9. Lastly, things might not always be smooth or it might not turn out to be a fairy tale. But one thing is for sure that first relationships are unique in their own way. If you end up marrying your first love, that’s great but if not, you will learn a lot. And that will help you in cultivating a better relationship somewhere down the road.