Actor Janhvi Kapoor who was last seen in the Netflix film Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, revealed she once lied to her father Boney Kapoor and flew off to Las Vegas without informing him. The actress revealed that she told her father that she was watching a film but she was actually in Las Vegas.
During her appearance on Kareena Kapoor Khan’s chat show What Woman Want, Janhvi Kapoor said that she took a flight to Las Vegas from Los Angeles, spent the entire day roaming around the city, and returned the next morning. She only told Boney of her little deception recently. “A big part of your childhood and your youth is to be a little bit of a rebel and do things that you are not supposed to do,” she said.
Janhvi added, “Like, yesterday, for the first time, I told my dad that I lied to him and told him that I was going for a movie but I took a flight and went to Vegas from LA, roamed around and took the flight back in the morning. He didn’t know.”
During the same chat show, Janhvi also talked about her dating moves and revealed that she has never been the one to initiate things. “But I am very sly. I will drop my hints but I won’t make it too obvious till I know the other person is for sure interested. But mazaa aata hai na thoda sa aise eyelash bat karne mein, mazaaki banne mein (it is fun to bat eyelashes and have a fun banter). I enjoy the attention. I have never made the first move. I am a little bit of a phattu (coward) like that,” she said.
Currently, Janhvi is shooting for her upcoming film, Good Luck Jerry, in Punjab. The shoot was halted by the farmers’ groups as they wanted her opinion on the ongoing farmers’ protest near Delhi.
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