Israel Facing The Pandemic Again- Here’s What You Should Know
In many countries, the second and third waves of the virus also created a furor. Only last week, Israel claimed to be the first country to exempt outdoor and indoor masks. A week later, the coronavirus has once again started wreaking havoc on Israel. Corona’s delta variant is catching people who are vaccinated also.
Corona Virus
Israel is one of the countries that has vaccinated more than half of its population. After this Israel removed all the restrictions and gave exemption from wearing masks. A week after this, there is a sudden increase in the cases of corona infection in Israel. The dangerous delta variant of the coronavirus is also rapidly catching vaccinated people. After this, there is a demand to vaccinate the teenagers there as soon as possible.
New 125 corona patients were found in Israel on Monday. This is the highest number of new corona patients found in a day since April in a country that has vaccinated half the population. The outbreak of the coronavirus was at its peak in Israel in January. At that time, 10 thousand cases were being registered daily in Israel. But after that, the Netanyahu government of that time controlled the virus by rapid vaccination.
Infected cases were found in many schools during random checks after all restrictions implemented to prevent the spread of corona were lifted. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, during the investigation in two schools in Israel, nine teachers who had received the full dose of the vaccine were found corona infected.
Israel’s newly elected Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned of a new outbreak given the increase in cases of corona infection. He said that the Delta variant, which is once again gripping the country, has come because of the passengers returning from abroad. Therefore, strict scrutiny will now be done at the international airport. With this, he has advised his citizens to minimize foreign travel for the time being.
Let us inform you that so far 840,079 people have been corona-infected in Israel, while 6,428 people have lost their lives due to the virus.