Actress Puja Banerjee feels like a newly married bride once again after her recent traditional Bengali wedding. The adorable duo has renewed their wedding vows once again. The actress agrees that it has given their relationship a new sight. Puja Banerjee in a recent interview with a leading daily has told, “With a sense of normalcy returning to our life, we remarried in a traditional Bengali ceremony, with whole riti riwaaz. Even if we are married, and have a kid, getting married again comes with a different and a new feeling right now. It has brought newness to our relationship.”
She added, “There is some newness in our relationship. Even our relatives are treating us as newly married, and calling us for dinner. Pehle, they couldn’t even call us because of the pandemic, and I was pregnant. We couldn’t do anything which we were supposed to do as newlyweds, which we are doing right now.”
The wedding of Puja and Kunal was full of moments that she will cherish for her entire life. “At that time, I was really worked up, but now when I am sitting back to relax, and looking at the pictures, I’m really reliving the moments.” She further stated, “But I am curious to see what is going to be his reaction once he grows up and realises this. It will be interesting to see his reaction.”
Puja also said that their son won’t be able to complain about missing his parents’ wedding. She said, “I used to whine as a kid, why am I not there in your wedding album? Why is my picture not there? My baby can’t do that. He is very much present in the wedding.” The actress also told about her plans to get back to work after taking a long break, “December is a month for a break only. We are planning to get back to work in January only.”
For the unversed, Puja and Kunal chose a registered wedding last year. And last week, the couple got married (again) at a wedding in Goa following Bengali rituals. The wedding was attended by their son, Krishiv also.