Niharika Konidela, the niece of idol Chiranjeevi and actress, and Bigg Boss Telugu winner Rahul Sipligunj were among the 144 people held at the Banjara Hills Police Station on Monday. As we previously reported, narcotics worth thousands of rupees were discovered on the premises of The Mink pub at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Banjara Hills, after a tip-off from a local. Niharika was reportedly detained as a result of her attendance at the party.
Three persons, including the bar manager, have been arrested and charged with different offenses under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act after police discovered cocaine packets in their possession. Even though Niharika was escorted to the police station, she has not been included on a list of “respondent individuals” in connection with the event, according to reports.
Meanwhile, Niharika’s father, renowned actor Naga Babu, has claimed that his daughter has nothing to do with the drug case. Niharika is the offspring of veteran actor Naga Babu. “I am reacting to last night’s event at the Radisson Blu Hotel since my daughter Niharika was there at the time,” Naga Babu stated in a video message. The police initiated action against the bar because it was open after hours and outside permissible hours. Concerning Niharika, she is unequivocal in her position. According to the police, Niharika has done nothing illegal, according to their facts “I’m sharing this footage to prevent unwarranted conjecture on social media and mainstream media. Our conscience is quite clear, and I respectfully urge that you refrain from spreading unwarranted rumors.”
According to the media reports, hundreds of people attended the celebration, including the daughter of a serving Andhra Pradesh IPS officer, the niece of a highly prominent Tollywood veteran actor, a Tollywood singer, and the son of a businessman-turned-politician from AP.