Actress Meera Chopra, who recently made headlines at the Cannes Film Festival, is known for her exceptionally bold characters on screen. Her upcoming film “Super Woman” is India’s first film that will bring ‘asexuality‘ to Indian mainstream cinema. The critically acclaimed artist is known to leave a suggestive impression in each of his roles in films, be it “Section 375,” “1920,” or the OTT show “Kamathipura.”
Speaking of the film, Meera Chopra said: “I was very impressed with the script. The word asexual is alien to Indians. So many women and men struggle to explain to their partners how they feel about it. While researching for the film, I found shocking statistics on the number of suicides and forced marriages of asexual women, and it’s worrying. With “Super Woman,” we aim to bring a ray of hope to those who are struggling to convey their true feelings to society.”
On the previous day, the first look of her other film, titled “Safed,” was recently unveiled at the latest edition of the Cannes Film Festival, she said, βit was a surreal and tremendous experience for us. We were wearing badges to represent our country and represent the revolution in Indian cinema. βSafedβ is a heartwarming film that captures the true essence of the struggles of widows and transgenders in society. Composer A.R. Rahman unveiled the first look of the film, making it even more special.β
Meera continued and said that “Super Woman” is audible to all those superwomen who are defying the social norms. The world needs to know that a woman cannot be defined by her sexuality. ‘Sexual‘ or ‘asexual‘, every woman has the potential to conquer the world, and we are no longer the ‘weaker‘ sex.
A woman’s greatest strength lies not in her sexuality but her character, her spirit, and her personality. The worth of a woman is beyond her sexuality, and this is beautifully told in our film. During my research, I was astounded to see documentaries in which women were simply belittled as sexual objects.
“Super Woman” is directed by Zaigham Imam, who is known globally on the film festival circuit for his remarkable work and features stalwarts like Tigmanshu Dhulia and Poonam Dhillon. The film is produced by Golden Ratio Films.