Shah Rukh Khan has been away from the film screen for a long time. His last film ‘Zero’ was released in the year 2018. Now the Badshah of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan is back again to rock the big screen. In the year 2023, three of his films Pathan, Jawan and Dunki are releasing in theatres. While the first film Pathan will knock the screen on January 25, 2023, there is a buzz about his film ‘Jawan’ as well. Now recently news is coming that Shah Rukh Khan starrer, being directed by Atlee, has entered the South Star Thalapathy Vijay.
What more can I ask on my bday , the best bday ever wit my pillars. My dear @iamsrk sir & ennoda annae ennoda thalapathy @actorvijay
— atlee (@Atlee_dir) September 22, 2022
The news is constantly spreading like fire on social media that Thalapathy Vijay may be seen doing a cameo in Shah Rukh Khan’s film ‘Jawan’. The news of Vijay doing a cameo in Shah Rukh Khan’s film spread like fire on social media when ‘Jawan’ director Atlee shared a picture on his Twitter account on Saturday. Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, Thalapathy Vijay is seen in this picture. All three were seen twinning with each other in black clothes. Sharing this picture, Atlee wrote, ‘What more can I ask for on my birthday. I’ve had the best birthday ever with my pillar’.
As soon as ‘Jawan’ director Atlee posted this picture on his social media, fans got very excited and started speculating that Shah Rukh Khan and Vijay will be seen in a film. One fan wrote, ‘This is an iconic picture, Shah Rukh Khan and Thalapathy Vijay are two of the biggest superstars in the history of Indian cinema’. Another user wrote, ‘Rolex Reach, Vijay accepts to do a cameo’. Another user wrote, ‘I can’t believe it, is it true? Confirm this.
After the picture of Vijay with Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee went viral, people are trolling the South Superstar badly and trending ‘Bhikhari Thalapathy Vijay’. One user wrote, ‘Once it becomes troll material, it always remains troll material. When Atlee gave a cameo role to Thalapathy Vijay in Shah Rukh Khan’s film. Another user wrote, ‘Shah Rukh Khan fans be alert, he will spoil Shah Rukh Khan’s career too’.
Jawan is released on 2 June 2023. Nayanthara will be seen in the lead role along with Shah Rukh Khan in this film. Apart from this, King Khan is working in Pathaan and Dunki.