Check Out 5 Ways To Start Your Daily Work Out After Festive Season!
Everyone tries to lose weight before festivals. So he forces himself to go to the gym and sweats for hours. He has been following a strict diet since a month ago. But a few days of puja were very irregular. The exercise that he used to do, these few days are also off. But this year the festival is over. The break in the work has also started again. So even if we don’t want to, little by little we have to return to the old routine.
There is a tendency to get heavy in the arms and legs due to not exercising at all for several days in a row. Muscles start to forget how much your body’s capacity is. So after so many days of practice, do some physical exercise at home without going to the gym. To get the body back to where it used to be, start showing it a little bit every day, how much it’s working.
How to prepare yourself at home before going to the gym?
First, raise both arms straight above the head. With hands folded, pull the left hand with the right hand and the right hand with the left hand. Hold in such a way that tension is felt at the base of the arm. Do this five times.
Standing straight, lean forward from the waist muscles and try to block the legs at the knees. Do as much as you can. Don’t force it. You have to try a little bit every day.
Special types of belts are available for exercising. If not, a very strong rope will do. This time tie the belt to the window grill and also tie it around your waist. Stand at such a distance from the window that the waist feels tight. This time lean forward, try to rest your head on your knees.
Stand back to the side with the belt on. Stand at such a distance that the waist feels tight. Try to lean to one side from the waist muscles. Do the same on both sides.
First sit with your feet spread on the ground. This time bend the knees and pull them towards the stomach. Bring both feet together and keep them in the posture of Pranam. This time bend forward from the waist, try to keep the head and both hands on the ground.