Bollywood couple Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput make for an adorable duo. The two keep giving relationship goals to many through their social media posts. Besides posting mushy pictures together, the pair also put outs some madly funny stuff. Recently, an old video of Rajput went increasingly viral. In the clip, she is heard talking about the first question she asked Kapoor when she visited his house for the first time after their engagement.
Mira appeared on the chat show Social Media Star with Janice a while ago. During one of the segments on the program, she shared about what happened when she had first gone to Shahid’s home after their ‘roka’ ceremony.
Mira said that after they got engaged, Shahid took her to his house and started giving her a tour of his abode. They were strolling around when suddenly a question crossed her mind. Mira asked Shahid where she is going to put her shoes. “I made him create a shoe closet at that time, which he only came to praise later to keep the shoes properly and to be able to see them,” she added.
Let us tell you that Mira Rajput got married to Shahid Kapoor when she was just 21 years old. Soon after their wedding, she became a star on social media and began her journey as an influencer. Mira is seen promoting multiple start-up brands.
For the unversed, Shahid and Mira got settled down in an arrange marriage setup on July 7, 2015. They have two kids together- Misha and Zain.