The star kid Shweta Bachchan Nanda might not have made a career in films like her parents and brother but she is quite famous due to her frequent public appearances. Shweta is often spotted hanging out with A-lister celebrities and attending events. Recently, the columnist reached the launch event of Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla’s fashion event ‘Mera Noor Hai Mashhoor’ along with her mother Jaya Bachchan. During the outing, Shweta looked supremely beautiful in Ivory colored outfit. But seems like some users did not like how Shweta carried herself for the event.
Shweta arrived at the event wearing a simple yet chic figure-hugging dress. She styled it with heels, a luxury bag, dangler earrings and completed the overall look with a bold red lip shade. However, her fashion sense did not go down well with a section of netizens.
As soon as the photos of Shweta reached internet, social media users started pointing out the mismatched skin tone of her face and hands. As a result, she got mercilessly trolled online.
Reacting to Shweta’s look, an Instagram user commented, “Please apply sunscreen on hands and other parts of the body as well. Face and rest are not matching.” Another stated, “Face aur haath ka rang flag hai. Face me kitna foundation pota hai and hands are looking black…even she is looking quite uncomfortable…” A third one wrote, “Oh God! The contrast between the skin color of her arms and her face. Look at the difference! Bad makeup.”
For the unknown, Shweta Bachchan is married to businessman Nikhil Nanda. The couple have two children- Agastya Nanda and Navya Naveli Nanda. While Agastya is soon going to make an acting debut with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’, Navya is a social worker who also runs her own brand.