Actress Ridhima Pandit, who made an identity with ‘Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant’, has made a big disclosure about her personal life. The actress had frozen her eggs in September last year. Actress Ridhima told that she feels proud of her decision. She says that now she is feeling more free than before in her life. Along with this, the actress also told about future planning regarding her marriage and children.
Ridhima says that ever since she got her eggs frozen, many of her friends are joining the process. The actress says that she took the best decision of her life in September last year. Ridhima Pandit froze her eggs in September. According to Ridhima, “I feel liberated. I had long thought about getting egg freeze done, but in September I finally took the decision. The best doctors guided me through the process.”
Ridhima says that she got full support of her family in her decision. Especially his late mother also stood by him. According to Ridhima, “My family is very progressive. My mother was very open-minded. I discussed it with her.” Ridhima said, “I asked my mother that I didn’t want to get married, didn’t find the right man, or was focused on work, but wanted to be a mother, what if I had to prepare in advance? To this my mother replied, of course.”
Ridhima says I am very happy with my decision and many people can be inspired by this. Ridhima says that “A woman is always surrounded by questions that how will she handle motherhood and work, but no one asks a man about this. People are ambitious irrespective of profession, so actresses are encouraged to focus on their career and Don’t blame me for postponing the decision to get married and become a mother.”