Mouni Roy, an actress who moved to Bollywood from TV, has appeared in various shows ranging from the daily drama kyuki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi to Nagin. Meanwhile, Mouni Roy, who started his career in Bollywood films with Gold, recently showed off his charms at the Cannes Film Festival. Mooney made his debut in the 76th season of the Cannes Film Festival. Mooney was in the spotlight for his performance at Cannes.
Mouni Roy Cannes Debut Look is mesmerizing
Mouni Roy showed off her charms on the red carpet of the 76th Cannes International Film Festival, held on the French Riviera. Moni chose a bright yellow dress for the red carpet. She does not experiment much with her hair, leaving it open with a side parting. At the same time, choose light makeup and lip color for bright and fair skin. Separately, Mouni appeared on the red carpet in a black bodycon dress.
On the next day, She appears so gorgeous in a golden long skirt with a white and silver bralette. Her casual Blue feather dress and hat also captured the attention. And the very gorgeous look she carried in a pretty white feathery gown with Lenskart goggles Mouni shares photos of all these looks on her Instagram account which is being liked by her fans and obviously celeb friends.
BFF Disha Patani And Husband Sooraj praise Her
Mouni Roy’s Cannes style is trending on social media. Not only the fans but also the celebrities, are gushing over her red carpet attire. On these photos of Mouni, her husband Suraj Nambiar has drawn a heart emoji. Mouni’s BFF, Disha Patani, on the other hand, wrote, “OMG you are looking very beautiful.” In the comments, actress Aashka Goradia Goble commended her, calling her “gorgeous.”All these photos of Mouni have been seen several times.