Famous couple of showbiz Rajeev Sen and Charu Asopa had been facing a lot of ups and downs in their relationship since a long time. The pair which washed their dirty linen in the public multiple times had filed an application for legal separation. And now finally, the two have got officially divorced. Rajeev himself has confirmed the news of his parting ways with Charu legally through a post on Instagram.
According to a report on ETimes TV, Rajeev simply stated, ‘We are divorced’. Later on, Sushmita Sen’s brother Rajeev shared a picture of himself and Charu on Instagram story. The photo dates back from the happy times that the ex-couple spent together. Along with this, Rajeev wrote an emotional note on his separation with Charu. He penned, “There are no goodbyes. Just two people who just couldn’t hold each other. Love will remain. We will always be mother and father to our daughter.”
The final hearing regarding the divorce of Rajeev and Charu took place on June 8 which is also coincidentally a day after Rajeev and Charu completed 4 years of marriage. The hearing ended with court approving their divorce.
Rajeev and Charu had a grand wedding in Goa on 7 June 2019. Before the couple’s first anniversary, problems started cropping up between the couple. Because of this, they did not even celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Although Rajeev and Charu gave multiple chances to their marriage, they could not save it. In between all this, the duo got blessed with a daughter named Zianna. When things went out of hands, both Rajeev and Charu took the legal route to separate from each other. After official divorce, the two will now co-parent their child.