Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri is known for his blunt comments on the happenings in Hindi film industry. He is quite active on Twitter and keeps putting his viewpoints on the platform. Recently, the director raised questions on the free release of Shahid Kapoor’s new film ‘Bloody Daddy’ on OTT. The film is streaming on Jio Cinema from June 9 and viewers are able to watch it for free. However, Vivek is not happy with this and has termed it as an insane business model. Also, he says that Bollywood is moving towards destruction due to such actions.
Vivek’s tweet on free streaming of ‘Bloody Daddy’
Expressing his anger over the free release of ‘Bloody Daddy’, Vivek shared a newspaper ad showing the poster of Shahid’s film on his Twitter handle and wrote, “Why would anyone show a Rs 200 crore film for free? What crazy business model is this? The bad news is that Bollywood is celebrating its own destruction.”
Many users are giving their feedback on this tweet of Vivek. One user wrote- “This is Jio’s business model. They give everything for free for a few months to increase the number of Jio customers. Then they start taking some money to keep the customers on their platform. Due to this, other OTT platforms will also have to reduce their charges and earn through ads. They are left with no other way out. OTT should be an ad-free platform. Although this too will soon turn into TV.” Replying to this user, Vivek penned, “So, in this way Rs 200 crore is the cost of their ad.”
For the uninitiated, ‘Bloody Daddy’ has been directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, who helmed films like ‘Sultan’ and ‘Ek Tha Tiger’. He has called his new film a big budget OTT film, whose story has been written in such a way that it can be extended even further. Besides Shahid, the film also stars Ronit Roy, Sanjay Kapoor, Rajeev Khandelwal and Diana Penty.