On July 3 (Monday), veteran Bollywood actress Rekha mesmerized millions as she adorned the cover of Vogue Arabia magazine, capturing hearts with her sheer elegance. Clad in multiple extravagant outfits crafted by the renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra, Rekha exuded a majestic aura that exalted her regal presence. Scroll more to know all the deets of her four images one by one!
Rekha’s Outfit Truly Portrayed Vintage Fashion Of Royalty
The inaugural image from the cover shoot effortlessly transports viewers to a bygone era of opulence. Rekha gracefully wore a vintage brocade jacket, embellished with elaborate golden embroidery, shimmering sequins, and meticulous threadwork. Teamed with a timeless black turtleneck top, this ensemble emanates an undeniable aura of refinement. To enhance the regal essence, a Mughal-inspired headpiece adorned with intricate gold zari serves as the crowning glory, perfectly accentuating Rekha’s majestic presence.
Rekha Is A Golden Goddess Of Eternal Grace And Elegance
In her second ensemble, Rekha adorned herself with a resplendent golden saree, exuding a captivating aura. She was adorned with multiple layers of diamond necklaces, bangles, earrings, and striking rings, which added a celestial shimmer to her appearance. The highlight of the ensemble was the custom-made Maharaja necklace by Van Cleef and Arpels, a breathtaking masterpiece crafted from 161.62 carats of diamonds, requiring an astonishing 5,000 hours to create.
Harmonious Blend Of Cultures
Rekha effortlessly harmonizes Eastern and Western aesthetics, exemplifying her versatility. In a captivating shot, she gracefully wears a mesmerizing muslin Angarkha, beautifully displaying the exquisite Indian craftsmanship. To infuse a modern twist into the traditional attire, she pairs it with a striking diamond necklace, blending elements of contemporaneity with the timeless ensemble. This look exemplifies Rekha’s remarkable ability to bridge cultural divides, as she celebrates India’s rich heritage while embracing and incorporating contemporary influences, all through her impeccable style.
Rekhan Looked Like A Modernistic Cleopatra
In the final image, the actress adorned a stunning golden gown accentuated with a decorative blue metallic plate on her shoulders and arms. Rekha exuded the essence of a real-life Cleopatra, complementing her attire with dangling earrings, a striking statement necklace, and a matching headpiece.
Netizens Reactions to Rekha’s Latest Arabic Cover
When the beautiful pictures of Rekha went viral, soon Netizens pondered over the Vogue Instagram handle. They were seen commenting on Rekha’s pictures A true representation of beauty, dignity, and grace An example of graceful aging in a world of anti-aging hacks!! One commented timelessly. Others commented I’m weak in the knees she really served and left us speechless.