Renowned Hollywood star Tom Cruise, known for his fearless stunts and exceptional acting skills, has once more left his fans amazed. During a recent interview, he demonstrated his linguistic talents, and the video went viral on social media. Scroll down further to know the deets inside!
Tom Cruise Spoke In Hindi
During a particular interview, the actor thoroughly enjoyed conversing with an Indian origin interviewer, who managed to coax him into speaking a bit of Hindi. In a video clip shared by Etalk, Tom appeared to be in a jovial mood. The interviewer brought up his French language skills in the movie, jokingly asking if there was anything he couldn’t do and whether he would speak Hindi with her.
Tom eagerly responded, “If you want me to speak Hindi with you, I will. Let’s give it a try.” She asked him to speak, “Namaste Aap Kaise Hai”. Tom repeated this exact hindi words with flawless pronunciation. As expected, Tom impressed everyone with his language abilities. Furthermore, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that the interviewer could also speak Punjabi and Farsi, which piqued his interest in learning more about her. You can watch the clip here:
Indian Fans Were Stunned When Tom Spoke In Hindi
In the realm of Twitter, a user couldn’t contain their excitement and exclaimed, “When he spoke ‘namaste aap kaise ho’ is simply adorable. Is there anything he cannot do?” Another fan, brimming with admiration, expressed, “Tom Cruise has won the hearts of all Indians with his Hindi. His humility is truly extraordinary. May he be blessed.”
Among the positive reactions, many users were astonished by Cruise’s Hindi-speaking abilities. A post filled with enthusiasm exclaimed, “Wow… He spoke Hindi so well.” Another devoted fan emphasized Cruise’s heartfelt gesture, stating, “He spontaneously said ‘Namaste,’ demonstrating his knowledge of India and his affection for his Indian fans.”