Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is quite active on social media. She keeps sharing her views on different matters. Recently, the actress watched the much-hyped film ‘Oppenheimer’ and shared her opinion on the same. She also shared her take on the controversial Bhagavad Gita reference in the movie.
Kangana shared a selfie from her when she was on her way to theatre. After seeing the film, she took to her Instagram Reels and shared her review on ‘Oppenheimer’.
The actress began by requesting people to watch the movie. She then gave away the plot and said that story is about a Jewish physicist who invented atomic bomb during World World 2 for America who think he is a leftist and might be an agent of Soviet Union. They consider him anti-national. He tries to prove them wrong by creating nuclear power. However, his humanity arises and leads to a conflict.
Furthermore, Kangana revealed that her favorite part from the film is the reference to Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and Lord Vishnu.
In the caption area, the actress hailed filmmaker Christopher Nolan and called ‘Oppenheimer’ his best work till date. She said that she didn’t want it to end as it has everything she deeply loves- physics and politics. For her, it was like a cinematic orgasm.
Let us tell you that ‘Oppenheimer’ is about the life of nuclear physicist, J Robert Oppenheimer. He is regarded as the ‘father of the atomic bomb.’ It stars Cillian Murphy and Florence Pugh in leads.
Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut is coming up next with ‘Tejas’ where she plays an airforce officer. She also has ‘Emergency’ and ‘Chandramukhi 2’ in the pipeline.