Latest release ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ is doing wonders. The film has brought back the OG Bollywood romance to silver screen. It is receiving great response both in terms of collections and reviews. However, a recent thread on Reddit ignited a debate on the platform whether Karan Johar’s directorial glorifies adultery. It is because in the movie, Dharmendra (Kawal) who is married to Jaya Bachchan (Dhanlakshmi) harbours feelings for his first love Shabana Azmi (Jamini). They end up romancing each other.
Reddit discusses if ‘RRPK’ justifies infidelity
Now, the storyline of ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani’ has triggered a user. While ranting over the same, she wrote that Karan Johar is obsessed with infidelity and this is sickening. She asked people to not the film if they hate because this movie has not only glorified but also justified infidelity. She said that cheating is never okay, no matter how unhappy you are in your relationship.
A lot of netizens responded to this post and put forward their views on the film’s plot. One wrote that being in abusive marriage is worse than cheating. Using children, money and society to keep oneself tied to the marriage is so normalized that no one even talks about it.
Another pointed out how Dharmendra and Shabana were living in toxic marriages. They asked if all of you haven’t even watched the film properly. Neither Dharmendra nor Shabana was in a happy marriage which was actively because of their spouse.
A third user stated that there is a problem with normalizing toxic marriages. They said that most people don’t know how difficult it is to get out of a relationship especially marriage in a conservative setting. There is a feeling that your life is ending one day at a time and how we are wasting time stuck in a relationship which isn’t going anywhere.
A user also shared that art always imitates life and that adultery existed in India long before KJo learnt to make movies.