Parineeti Chopra recently spilt the beans on her whirlwind decision to marry politician Raghav Chadha during a laid-back chat with Raj Shamani on YouTube. Despite her recent success with “Amar Singh Chamkila,” she couldn’t resist sharing the intimate details of her love story with Chadha, revealing that she knew he was the one within five minutes of meeting him.
Parineeti Chopra mentioned: “I swear, I met Raghav, and within five minutes, I knew I was going to marry this man. I didn’t even know if he was married, had children, how old he was… He just sat at breakfast in front of me, and I’m looking at this man and saying, ‘I think I’m going to marry this man’. It was some God’s voice inside me.”
Their wedding last year was the talk of the town, and it was nothing short of spectacular. Held at The Leela Palace in Udaipur, it was a star-studded affair with a guest list that read like a who’s who. From political heavyweights like Arvind Kejriwal to Bollywood stars like Sania Mirza, everyone showed up to celebrate their union.
Raghav, the Aam Aadmi Party stalwart, and Parineeti, the Bollywood darling, make quite the power couple. Their union has seamlessly blended the worlds of politics and entertainment, captivating the public with their love story.
How Raghav Chadha Reacted To Dating Rumours
When Raghav Chadha, as he was coming out of Parliament, was asked about the viral videos of him and Parineeti Chopra, the AAP leader replied, “Aap mujhse raajneeti ke sawaal kariye, Parineeti ke na kariye (Please ask me questions about politics, not Parineeti).”