Actor Vijay Varma who has made his unique identity in the entertainment world will soon be seen in the web series ‘IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack’. Actor Vijay, who has made a name for himself in films, has struggled a lot before making a name in Hindi films. During a recent interview, Vijay Varma talked about the skin disease that he faced in the initial days of his career. The actor has also revealed that he hid vitiligo because of a strong reason.
Vijay Varma
In a recent interview with one of the media houses, Vijay Varma discussed his condition of vitiligo, in which he revealed that he hides it during filming only to distract the audience and keep them focused on his performance instead. He also shared how it has affected him personally and mentally.
Vijay Varma
While talking about this situation Vijay said, “My skin condition has never been spoken about openly.” Let us tell you that vitiligo is a skin disorder, in which some part of the skin starts losing its pigment. It is also called a white mark. This happens when the skin cells stop working.” The actor further said, “During all my public appearances over the years, I have never bothered to hide it.” He said that he believes that today’s audience is sensible and responsible.
Vijay Varma
Vijay said that he has not faced negative comments about his skin condition. He said, “We make it a big deal because it is something that is out there, but I have never really made it a big issue.” Let us tell you that Vijay Varma’s web series ‘IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack’ is directed by Anubhav Sinha, who has previously made Bheed, Thappad, Article 15, and Mulk. Many actors including Manoj Pahwa, Pankaj Kapoor, Naseeruddin Shah, Kumud Mishra, and Arvind Swami have worked in it.