Samay Raina’s famous YouTube show ‘India’s Got Talent’ is becoming increasingly popular among netizens these days. Several contestants come to the show on a daily basis following which Priyanka Haldar also came as a female contestant. But now she is facing the anger of people on social media for her appearance on the show. If talk about the judging panel of this show, then let us tell you that the panel includes comedian Bharti Singh, her husband Harsh Limbachiyaa, and singer Tony Kakkar.
Priyanka Haldar
Costume designer Mohammad Adil also arrived to show with his friend Priyanka Haldar. Adil, who calls himself a costume cutter, started showing his performance on this stage and cut Priyanka’s dress judges were surprised. , During her act which lasted for more than a minute, Priyanka stood in a red bodycon dress and in no time her friend Adil Mohammad had transformed it into a cut-out. While some judges were impressed to see his talent some made fun of this art.
Priyanka Haldar
But everything was fine till Priyanka told her story to the judges hearing which everyone was shocked. She said that she is married and is also the mother of a 15-year-old child, her husband works in the Indian Railways, and she has worked in many episodes of crime shows, ‘Utha Patak 4’ on ALTT, and has more than 14,500 followers on her Instagram handle. All the judges freaked out and were shocked after listening to her. But people on social media criticized this act of Priyanka fiercely on social media.
Priyanka Haldar
Trolling her, one user said, “As an audience, it was not good to see all this”. Another user said, “The saddest part of the episode”. Another said, “I feel bad for her husband, this is going to make the audience uncomfortable”. At the same time, another said, “She seems to be failing as a mother, wife and daughter.” Let us tell you that people have called her the most uncomfortable contestant.