Actress Shilpa Shirodkar’s journey on Bigg Boss 18 came to an end just four days before the grand finale. After making it to the top six, Shilpa was evicted from the show in a mid-week elimination. Art director Omung Kumar announced her exit after she received the least number of votes. The remaining finalists—Vivian Dsena, Karanveer Mehra, Eisha Singh, Rajat Dalal, Chum Darang, and Avinash Mishra—will now compete for the coveted trophy.
Though disappointed by her elimination, Shilpa described her time on the show as life-changing. In an exclusive interview with SCREEN, she shared, “We knew there was going to be a mid-week eviction, but I didn’t know I would get evicted. You cannot be confident about anything towards the end of the show. But I had the best journey of my life; I was very unique on the show.”
Reflecting on her relationships in the house, Shilpa discussed her altered dynamics with co-contestant Vivian Dsena. “I don’t know what went wrong between Vivian and me; he got carried away with Avinash. With Karanveer, my relationship stayed rock steady despite people telling him every week that I was tearing him apart. If one person in a relationship doesn’t want to see the other side, it’s best to walk away,” she said.
Shilpa also addressed allegations of manipulation and hypocrisy. “I’ve learned from this house that people will judge you and have their point of view, so you shouldn’t care much. It all boils down to insecurity. Things that happened during the week are discussed on the weekend. When Salman [Khan] speaks to them, it becomes like an ‘oh my god’ moment. We were never waiting for that attention; it would happen organically,” she explained.
When asked about her predictions for the winner, Shilpa named Karanveer as her top choice. “My personal favourite is Karan. I’ve seen him grow from being criticised to being appreciated and wanting this so badly. After Karan, it should be Chum; her growth has been unreal. Then obviously Vivian. I’ve not understood Rajat as a person; he is a character I’ve not encountered before. But if people think he deserves the trophy, I am no one to judge that.”
As the finale approaches, the competition intensifies among the remaining contestants, each vying for the title of Bigg Boss 18 winner.