While Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar’s much-anticipated reunion during the Bigg Boss 18 Grand Finale didn’t materialise, fans were treated to a heartwarming surprise as Aamir Khan appeared on the show with his son Junaid Khan and Loveyapa co-star Khushi Kapoor. The evening turned nostalgic when Aamir and Salman revisited an old incident from their Andaz Apna Apna days, revealing a surprising fallout and eventual reconciliation.
Aamir recalled stumbling upon a 30-year-old video of Salman praising his performance in Andaz Apna Apna. “I had never seen that video before, and I watched it now after 30 years. He (Salman) praised me with so much love in the clip,” Aamir shared. Deeply moved, he confessed to feeling emotional and even sent the video to Salman.
However, Salman brought up a contrasting memory from the same period. “I’ve seen that interview where he (Aamir) complained that I used to come late on set,” Salman said, smiling. He added, “Aamir had said, ‘We never got along. Last day pe chhutkara, iske saath toh main life mein kabhi kaam nahi karunga.’”
Acknowledging his past frustration, Aamir admitted, “That was my feeling at the time, but now my feelings have changed. With time, I have grown to appreciate who Salman is. It just took me some time to understand.”
Salman explained the circumstances behind their misunderstanding, revealing that while Aamir was committed to a single project, he was juggling multiple films. “Aamir would reach the set at 7 a.m., but I’d arrive later after wrapping up another shoot,” Salman explained.
Aamir, however, expressed his disapproval of Salman’s demanding schedule back then, advising against overworking. “Don’t clap; you shouldn’t do that,” he remarked, drawing laughter from the audience. Salman, in his trademark humour, responded, “He (Aamir) also worked like that, but he was among the first ones to stop doing so.”
The candid exchange between the two stars delighted fans, showcasing their camaraderie and growth over the years. Despite their past differences, the bond between the two Bollywood legends remains as strong as ever.