Ravi Kishan, the actor who gained national fame with his appearance on the first season of Bigg Boss, has revealed a surprising detail about his decision to join the show. In a candid interview, the actor admitted that it was his wife who suggested he take part in the reality show, believing that he had become too arrogant about his rising success.
In a recent conversation with the YouTube channel Camera7, Ravi reflected on the period in his life when he felt his success was making him lose touch with reality. “That’s when my wife took me to Bigg Boss and locked me up there. She thought I was going crazy,” he said. At the time, Ravi had just reached the peak of his career, working on multiple projects simultaneously. “I had too much money. I used to work in three shifts in those days. I was working on 17 films at the same time. I would sleep in my car and only sleep when I was travelling from one set to another. At one point, I was shooting for five films in the same studio,” he recalled.
Ravi explained that, after struggling for years without work or money, he was determined not to waste the opportunities that had finally come his way. “I didn’t have work, didn’t have money, so when I got it, I didn’t want to lose it,” he said. However, he acknowledged that his newfound success led to a growing sense of arrogance. His wife, concerned about this change in his behaviour, decided that Bigg Boss would be the best way to “lock him up” and force him to slow down.
Reflecting on his time in the Bigg Boss house, Ravi shared how the experience changed him. “One day feels like a week. With no distractions, I spent a lot of time with my thoughts,” he said. He credits the three months on the show with giving him clarity about love, relationships, and his own priorities. “I came out as a sorted person,” he added, noting that this self-reflection helped him land better offers in Bollywood and ultimately led to his career in politics.
Ravi Kishan is now a Member of Parliament for Gorakhpur, while continuing his acting career. He was recently seen in “Laapataa Ladies“ and the Netflix series “Mamla Legal Hai.”