Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan often grab headlines for her personal life. After sharing about her journey of fighting with depression, she became a sensation on social media. Currently, she is in a happy space with her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. The mushy photos of the two goes viral frequently.
The clip begins with Nupur running towards Ira Khan to share a kiss. Post this, he kneels down and take out a ring to propose Nupur for marriage. An excited Ira immediately says a ‘Yes.’ Fans are gushing over the chemistry between this lovely couple.
Sharing the video of this dreamy proposal, a delighted couple put out a collaborative post on Instagram. In the caption, they wrote, “Popeye: She said yes. Ira: Hehe I said yes.” String of congratulatory messages started pouring in as soon as the news of Ira and Nupur’s engagement got public.
Let us tell you that Ira Khan is Aamir Khan’s daughter from his first marriage with Reena Datta. She is currently trying her hands on direction. With a theatre production, Euripides’ Medea, Ira had made her directorial debut in 2019. Nupur Shikhare is Aamir’s fitness coach.