Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is constantly grabbing headlines these days. Many allegations have been leveled against Karan in the last few days regarding ‘sabotaging careers of outsiders’ in the film industry. Through his recent post, Karan took an indirect dig at all those who are accusing him of trying to destroy Priyanka Chopra and Anushka Sharma’s acting career. Now, his arch enemy and Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has reacted to Karan’s post. She has retaliated the director in an interesting way.
Karan targeted without naming
the fight between Karan and Kangana is not stopping. Both of them always look for an opportunity to taunt each other.The never ending cold war between the Karan and Kangana has taken a step forward. Earlier, Karan had shared a note on his Instagram story. In this message, he wrote, ‘Laga lo ilzam. We are not among those who will bow down, become slaves of lies. We are not among those who speak. The lower you show…the more you accuse. We are not among those who fall. Our karma is our victory. You pick up the sword. We are not among those who will die.’
Kangana gave a befitting reply
Kangana has now shared a story note on Instagram which seems like a perfect reply to Karan. In the story, she wrote, ‘There was a time when Chacha Chaudhary (referring to Karan) along with Nepo Mafia insulted me on National TV, because I could not speak English. Today after seeing his Hindi, I thought Abhi toh sirf tumhari Hindi sudhari hai. Aage aage dekho Hota hai kya. “
Karan-Kangana upcoming projects
On the work front, Karan Johar is returning as a director after a long time with the film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’. The film will feature Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh in lead roles. On the other hand, Kangana Ranaut is coming up next with period drama ‘Emergency’. Besides this, she has ‘Tejas’, ‘Chandramukhi 2’ and ‘Sita: The Reincarnation’ in the pipeline.