Adah Sharma, a Bollywood actress, is luxuriating in the success of her most recent movie, The Kerala Story. When the movie first came out, it made quite a stir at the box office. Since the movie made headlines a few weeks ago, the actress has had to deal with criticism.
The video centres on three women while delving into the severe issues of religious conversions and ISIS. The movie was embroiled in numerous debates even before it was released because of its controversial theme. Now recently, Adah is reportedly being harassed online as a result of having her personal information exposed. Scroll down further to know about it.
Adah Sharma’s Contact Details Have Been Leaked On Social Media
According to a story in the ETimes, Instagram user ‘jhamunda_bolte’ revealed Adah Sharma’s private phone number. Additionally, the user threatened to reveal the actress’ new phone number. Although this news has spreadĀ on social media, it has been asserted that the controversial Instagram account has since been deleted. The posts have also been deleted, but they have already gone viral on social media.
Adah’s Fans Are Pleading To Mumbai Police
Adah Sharma has not yet commented on the incident. However, her fans have been urging the Mumbai Cyber Cell to take action against the user. The Mumbai Cyber Cell has not yet commented on the matter.
This is not the first time that Adah Sharma has been targeted by hackers. In 2017, her personal photos were leaked online. At the time, she filed a complaint with the Mumbai Police, but no arrests were made.
Meanwhile, Adah is currently on cloud nine. She is celebrating her film The Kerala Story which is the first female-led film to earn more than Rs 200 million at the box office in the nation. She posted a gratitude message on Instagram, saying Thank you for all her fans and supporters.