Imtiaz Ali’s Netflix Biopic on the late Punjabi Singer Amar Singh Chamkila has been riding the hit wave. Ali’s magical storytelling and Diljit Dosanjh’s genius performance have cemented a special place in people’s hearts. Many people are curious about Chamkila’s life. It may surprise you to learn that the legendary Sridevi once requested a collaboration with Chamkila, but he turned her down.
Sridevi and Amar Singh Chamkila
Known as the ‘Elvis Of Punjab, ’ Chamkila was well-known for writing and singing controversial songs. He and his spouse, Amarjot, were going to perform around the state. Sadly, the two were shot and killed in 1988 while travelling to Mehsampur, Punjab, for a performance.
In the title roles of Imtiaz Ali’s Chamkila, Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra. Netflix is now offering the film for streaming.
Amar Singh Chamkila’s Ali is one of the best performances. It enables you to comprehend the relationship between the artist and the people who can make or break an individual. Parineeti Chopra and Diljit Dosanjh wow us with one of their best performances to date. The movie has a positive effect on you.