
Are You Manglik? Here Are The Advantages of Being Manglik

By admin

November 14, 2019

First of all you need to know what exactly is being manglik. Mangala Dosha, also known as Mangal Dosh because of schwa deletion, is a Hindu superstition prevalent in India and Nepal. A person born under the influence of Mars as per Hindu astrology is said to have “mangala dosha”; such a person is called a Mangalik.

Let us see the seven advantages of being Manglik.

Such native enjoys high degree of energy: No doubt when one talk of our Honourable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi, or that of Sri Kapil Dev, both have one thing in common, high degree of energy. The latter exercised in the same in the field of Cricket and the former in the field of Politics. Hence it is Said that the PM of India works for at least 16 to 18 hours a day.

Highly Focused on achieving their Goals: The above two examples are in itself self-explanatory. Therefore, native who have Manglik dosha in their horoscope need not worry. They are one who are highly focused on achieving their goals. They fight till the last and hence they are victorious of their goals. All that one must do is to channelize the same for the benefit of one’s achievement. If they can, then nothing can stop them from achieving the same.

Sincerity is Synonym to their hard work: These individuals are highly dedicated and are known to be someone who would be sincere in achieving what they plan to achieve. Other than being dedicated, these individuals do not compromise on quality work. Hence success does not elude these individuals.

Excel in any form of career: They are someone who can excel in any career, where determination is the key. Thus, in today’s, word, with multiple opportunities that exist, these individuals are someone who would not only be multifaceted but also versatile to excel in area of career.

Blessed with Intuition: These individuals are always blessed with intuitions. Therefore, they pre-empt the outcome well in advance and then act accordingly. Therefore, these individuals always act with their 100% concessions. They hardly deviate from their conscious mind.

Attain maturity in their marriage: One of the reasons why Manglik is feared so some is that the native is highly mature in their marital relationship. This many a time, would make the opposite person which is the spouse somewhat fearful. They lack the ability to match up with that of their Manglik Partner. Divine grace in their life: Those with Manglik dosha have been seen as some one having the divine grace which takes them to a new level in their life. IT is also due to this reason, they many a time, they even find their right partner despite this dosha.