Bollywood Actress Bipasha Basu and her husband Karan Singh Grover became parents five months ago. Becoming a mother, Bipasha often shares photos of her daughter on her Instagram. Along with this, he recently posted on his Instagram a video taken with his daughter Debbie.
Bipasha Basu Dances with Daughter Devi
Bipasha posted a video of herself dancing with her daughter Devi on Instagram. In this video, the actress appears to be having a good time. At the same moment, she has her daughter in her lap and is smilingly dancing with her.
Along with this, the actress is seen in the video wearing a cotton pink and white kaftan, and she is wearing no makeup. Devi, the actress’s daughter, is dressed in white and yellow. The actress captioned the video, “Dancing with Devi, this is my favourite job now.” With this caption, I shared a red heart emoji.
Fans React To Bipasha and Her Daughter Dance Video
Reacting to the video, users have repeatedly commented on the videos of actress. One user wrote: My favorite Devi’s video, mother-daughter relationship at its best. At the same time, another user wrote. God bless little princess Devi. At the same time, another user wrote, “Choti Devi ko kisi ki nazar na lage”.
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Bipasha Kept Her Daughter’s Face Secret For Sometime
Since Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh GroverĀ became parents for the first time, the new mom has been sharing sweet moments with her daughter Devi Basu Singh Grover on Instagram. However, She did not show his daughter’s face for several days. But on April 5, she finally revealed her little angelic face to the world.