Can Personal Growth Bring Calmness and Understanding In Relationships?
By Prerna
Relationships work on the basis of various factors, some of which are trust, respect, intimacy, and understanding. But according to a survey, many people forget their existence once they tend to be in a relationship.
They become completely dependent or dedicated towards the other person forgetting their aspirations and growth which then leads to personal regrets, misery, and internalized disrespect towards the other person. Marriages mostly become a matter of concern after some time in such relationships.
People should become more aware of the fact that a person needs to grow on a personal level whether or not he or she is in a relationship. Being very dependent on the other person may exploit their personal space and being very dedicated and surrendered towards the other may exploit yours. People tend to ignore this aspect completely in our society.
It’s completely fine to accept that you cannot grow and thrive with the person and hence it’s ok to get separated in such cases. One of the recent examples is Bill Gates and Melinda Gates. A better awareness about personal growth, happiness, and the importance of having some quality time with yourself can lead to a more fulfilling, trustworthy, and thriving relationship.