Aishwarya Rai is dancing away with her 12-years old daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. While the video is cute and has gone viral, netizens find Aishwarys “too much’ for being around Aaradhya all the time. They comment that Aishwarya should give her daughter space.

This articles features worldwide celebrities’ smart interpretation of a wardrobe malfunction and how they graciously handled it. It features Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Miley Cyrus, Dakota Johnson, Carol Gracias, Brad Pitt, Kate Middleton, Kylie Jenner and Paris Hilton.

Kick start new year with Bollywood celebs favorite new year’s eve party ideas. From Salman Khan to Vicky Kaushal to Alia Bhatt, there is something for everyone to inspire a kickass NYE celebration.

Pictures of the stunningly beautiful Kriti Sanon, one of Bollywood’s most accomplished actresses, were taken recently at the […]

The superhit Pakistani drama ‘Mere Pass Tum Ho’ is currently broadcasting on Indian television since 2nd August, 2023. […]