With the pandemic overboard, the value of life has flashed like the brightest star in every living eye. Everyone today realizes how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nothing, be it money or status, will be of any personal gain until you are healthy and happy to enjoy it. Therefore reforms to preserve it well and sustain it to the fullest is the need of today and every other day that follows.

We have witnessed life falling prey to numerous reasons, to name a few of the top ones are, bad health, wars, riots, etc. While we need to understand that the loss of life, which indeed is very tragic, needs to be kept in check. And this could be done by targeting the roots of it. So instead of wars and riots, healthy competitions need our attention and support to spread positivity in the world. And sports activities and regular exercising events will help us maintain and promote the idea of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, with the advent of the New Year, the resolution that most awaits our attention is the focus on a healthy lifestyle and the programs promoting the same.
The previous year has taught us well to not take our health and the blessing of life lightly. We have seen that people do not take good care of their body and health in general and we have even witnessed how there have been wars in the past and people have mercilessly been killed. But with 2020 and the global pandemic, the value of life has been realised well. Therefore, this new year let us try to appreciate it by showering it with the best possible care we’ve got. And the higher authorities can present their people with a platform to have healthy wars in the form of competitions and *community drives* in sports, technology, or other educational fields.
The gift of life is priceless and to make the best of it only possible with a body and mindset healthy enough to be able to cherish it and the things it brings along. Let’s celebrate life this new year, let’s celebrate its happiness with health.