Check Out Ways For Newly Married Couples To Cope With Pressure Of Having Baby

After marriage, the question that has to be heard many times is, “the age is getting old, when will the child be born?” Whether it’s a family function or a neighbourhood puja mandap, the same question can be heard everywhere. It’s a pain to go out! Not only girls, but boys also face such questions.

Earlier, many couples wanted to raise a family within one or two years of marriage. But now times have changed. Most couples want to become parents a little later after arranging their career, education, and marriage life. But how to stay away from the surrounding pressure? You get stressed hearing the same question again and again. There are some tricks to handle the situation.

Whenever someone asks such a question, try to avoid the topic. Talk to them about something else. But not rudely but politely explain to them that you don’t like this question at all. If you don’t feel comfortable discussing this with your elders, make it clear to them. Make it clear to them that this decision is yours and your partner’s alone.

If you see the in-laws creating pressure for having children, then the husband and wife should discuss the whole issue with them. Ask your partner to talk to people in your home as well. Just listen to them and do not react to them at all. There is no better way. Make up your mind. No need to listen to a word. If you keep your mind calm, nothing will disturb you.