Recently, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh enjoyed a wonderful time in the US while attending a Shankar Mahadevan concert. Along with them were Deepika’s sister Anisha Padukone and her parents Prakash and Ujjala Padukone. The family was captured on camera at the San Jose, California event and posed for selfies with Shankar and his wife Sangeeta Mahadevan.
For the concert, the entire family wore ethnic clothing. Ranveer Singh sported a yellow kurta, while Deepika was dressed in a green suit. Social media users posted videos of Ranveer and Deepika dancing to Shankar’s rendition of Koi Kahe Kehta Rahe from Dil Chahta Hai, which was performed at the concert.
In another video, Deepika and the audience joined Shankar in wishing Ranveer a happy birthday. On July 6, Ranveer will turn 37 years old. In one video, Shankar was seated next to Ranveer as he spoke on stage about his mother-in-law Ujjala. He stated: “I was under explicit orders not to do this. My mother-in-law scares me so much, you guys have no clue. She is pointing her finger at me from the front row.”
Deepika was invited to be the chief guest at a Konkani Sammelan (seminar) in San Jose, where Ranveer and Deepika also went. Ranveer Singh’s 37th birthday is only a few days away, but the actor appears to have already started the festivities with Deepika Padukone. The two are currently enjoying themselves immensely in the US. Deepika was asked to be the head guest at the Konkani Sammelan over the weekend. Ranveer, her spouse, also joined her.
They spoke with fans and people from the Konkani-speaking community while at the event. The actor could be seen uttering a few lines in Konkani in one of the videos. Along with the crowd, Deepika also applauded Ranveer as he displayed his talents.
Ranveer previously posed for a photo with Alia Bhatt, his co-star in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, while they were both in London.