Beautiful Bollywood actress and daughter of Nawab of Pataudi, Saif Ali Khan Sara Ali Khan is currently on a trip to Rajasthan to relax from the hectic life. The actress is constantly sharing glimpses of her trip with fans through Instagram posts. Her fans also give interesting reactions to the actress’s posts and make interesting comments. But this time it is not the pictures of Sara but something else that is attracting people’s attention.
Sara Ali Khan
The actress recently shared several pictures from her Rajasthan trip that fuelled her relationship rumors with Arjun Bajwa. The news of their dating has gained momentum through the social media posts of both since fans are finding similarities between the posts of both stars. Let us tell you that both Arjun Bajwa and Sara Ali Khan are constantly sharing their pictures and videos from the Rajasthan trip. However, in the social media posts of both of them, they are not seen with each other anywhere.
Arjun Bajwa’s Post
But, the pictures of both of them are such that fans are speculating them to be in a relationship. From the hotel where Sara Ali Khan is staying, she has clicked and posted pictures of the beautiful location of Rajasthan which are truly mesmerizing. If we talk about Arjun Bajwa’s post then let us tell you that he is seen working out in the gym of a hotel.
Sara Ali Khan
Social media users have noticed the fact that both of them are staying in the same hotel. It is also being speculated that both of them have gone out for a walk together. It is not the first time that Sara and Arjun have been seen together at the same location but earlier as well both of them went on a pilgrimage to Kedarnath at the same time. Now fans are claiming that perhaps both of them have gone to Rajasthan together.