Disha Patani has managed to gain a lot of popularity in the past few years since she started her career in the sports epic MS Dhoni. She has been in news for her fitness routine and even for her affair with Tiger Shroff. Sometime back, she shocked everyone by walking barebacked at an event and showing off her cupping marks. It was red round circles on her backs that made people scared.
In a throwback video shared on YouTube, Disha Patani managed to steal the show with her bareback cupping marks while attending an inaugural ceremony of a clinic. In the video from the event, the actress is spotted arriving in her car and is dressed in a beige body-hugging dress. While Disha looks absolutely stunning in the video from the event, the paparazzi at the event managed to click several pictures of the actress.
In the video, as soon as Disha headed up to mark an entrance, the actresses’ back on display grabbed a lot of eyeballs. The actress is spotted with some shocking round red marks on her back in the video, which are literally spine-chilling. Wonder what went wrong with the actress? Well, although Disha Patani flaunted her cupping marks in the presence of the paparazzi at the event, the actress made it clear that she was busy getting some cupping therapy done with the marks on her back.