Divya Agarwal Wishes Ex-Boyfriend Varun Sood On Birthday; See His Response
Moment, Varun Sood celebrates his birthday and he has been entering warm birthday wishes from his fans, followers, and musketeers and one want is from his ex-girlfriend Divya Agarwal. Divya participated in a candid print of Varun Sood and across it, she wrote,” Happy Birthday Star@varunsood.”Varun reposed Divya’s note and participated in it with a red heart emoji. Divya and Varun have appeared in numerous reality shows including Splitsvilla and Roadies. Divya was the winner of Bigg Boss OTT, which was hosted by Karan Johar. Varun, who was formerly a competitor on Roadies, was latterly seen as a platoon captain on the show along with Neha Dhupia and Prince Narula. Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood met on the sets of Ace Of Space 1 and fell in love.”
After dating each other many times, they parted ways in March. Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood ended their relationship in March and participated in the news with their suckers. In her note, Divya had participated that they will always be musketeers and she had also lashed out at pixies, who reflected that Varun cheated on her. Check out Divya Agarwal’s birthday want for ex-boyfriend Varun Sood.
In March, Divya Agarwal had participated,” Life is such a circus! Try n keep everyone happy, anticipate nothing that is true but what happens when the tone of love starts declining?? No, I do not condemn anyone for anything that is passed on to me. I feel worked up. and that is okay. I want to breathe n live for myself. that is okay! I hereby formally declare that I am on my own in this life and would like to take my time to live the way I want to! No, it’s not always necessary to have big statements, defences and reasons for a decision. It’s just my choice to step out of it. I really value and love all the happy moments I spent with him. He is a great joe! He’ll always be my stylish friend. Please admire my decision.”
On the work front, Divya Agarwal will next be seen in Zee5’s Abhay 3, which will premiere on April 8.