Global icon Priyanka Chopra has started a debate in the industry. During an interview, she talked about being ostracized by people in Bollywood. Ever since Priyanka Chopra made a shocking about people ganging up against her in Bollywood, many actors have come forward to share their ordeal in the Hindi film industry. There are multiple stories where artists are talking about the discrimination faced by them. Recently, Bollywood actress Aahana Kumra has also shared how she ran out of work for two years while taking a dig at the industry.
In a recent interview, Aahana opened up about her Bollywood journey. She told that there are many camps running in Bollywood and they have greatly influenced her career. The actress said that the actors who hang out with these groups get work again and again. She further added that she was not a part of these groups for the past two years due to which she was not getting films.
Aahana shared that if someone asks her whether this groupism affects her or not, she would say ‘yes’. The actress stated, “I am not a part of parties or any award shows. To be honest, it feels good to be out of Mumbai. I am very happy that I am in Uttarakhand for the last several months. It’s great to meet people from outside the industry.”
Before Aahana Kumar, actor Shekhar Suman and his son Adhyayan Suman had also alleged certain people in the film industry for destroying their careers. Kangana Ranaut, Apurva Asrani, Vivek Agnihotri, etc. were some of the renowned names that backed Priyanka’s statements about Bollywood.